Time is the most significant four letter word with regards to the busy life we all lead today! It is how you manage your restricted time today, which shapes your future.
Kent Paul Scarborough- Former CEO & Entrepreneur is a talented man from Australia who has tasted huge success in life owing to his matchless ability to make the most productive use of time. He understands that we face a large number of distractions, which make it difficult to remain on course if we fail to manage our time well. Kent tells that it is your choice to use your time effectively today or face the ramifications of not doing so later in life.
Time management involves everything that you do to make efficient use of time. Kent highlights that it is a method to help you identify things that are of highest importance and then finding the shortest route to complete them. Generally, it is done by allotting time slots to different tasks that you intend to finish in a day.

Kent highlights some useful time management tips as follow –
- Proactive approach – It is always a good idea to plan before you start something. If you have a big task that needs to be finished in a given set of days, decide to do a little bit of it every day and stick with your plan. This way you won’t feel overburdened with your work and can expect timely completion of the project.
- Organize and prioritize your work – Kent Scarborough tells that it is exceptionally vital to set priorities for tasks you plan to perform in a day. While organizing, it is very useful to list down your daily agenda and number the tasks based on their urgency and significance. It can be a great thought to dedicate ten minutes each night to make a priority list for the following day.
- Do not procrastinate – Your approach towards any work highly determines the time you take to complete that job. Kent tells that the more you think how big or complicated the task is, the more dread sets in. With fear comes delay. To overcome this, Kent suggests that do not think much about it, and just do what needs to be done!
- Make time for what you love – Kent reveals that time management not only revolves around completing tasks on time, but it also involves making time for yourself and your loved ones. Spending time alone and with your near and dear ones is as important as finishing your professional assignments. It helps in reducing stress and makes you experience life from a different viewpoint.
Kent Scarborough recommends that while keeping time management as a main priority, you should not forget your vision in life. If you feel that you are doing something that is not serving your purpose in life, then you should take the bold step and stop doing it without any delays.